different ways to give
Church offerings
Due to our buildings being closed and not meeting in the Church we are missing out on a substantial amount of our income through not being able to take a weekly offering. The Church of Scotland nationally have encouraged us to maintain our levels of support to them which means our outgoings are not shrinking.
The Church of Scotland have now developed an online method for Congregation Members and supporters to 'donate' their weekly offering. To do this click on the link provided below which will take you to the national site. You then have the choice to donate to the Church of Scotland's general fund or to a specific congregation. To donate to your home church choose the tab to 'donate to a congregation' and type in the name of your church eg Closeburn or Kirkmahoe (or any other Church) and follow the instructions It also allows Gift Aid to be selected which then allows us to reclaim 25 pence in the pound back from HM Government.
If you continue to use Freewill Envelopes the H.M.R.C. now allow charities to claim back Gift Aid on small donations where the donor is not signed up to Gift Aid.
The best way to set up your recurring gift, is to pay by “Standing Order” . Please email your church for a form (details in contact section)
If you use Free Will Offering Envelopes then please continue to do so. These can either be handed in at the Church when we are able to worship together or you can contact the Treasurer of your Church who can arrange to have them collected from you.