About us
The vacant charges of Closeburn and Kirkmahoe were linked by the Presbytery of Dumfries and Kirkcubright in accordance with its Presbytery Plan and permission was given to call a Minister on the basis of unrestricted tenure.
A joint Nominating Committee was elected in October 2016 and is currently seeking a new Minister.
As the newly linked parishes of Closeburn and Kirkmahoe, we are prayerfully seeking a minister who will encourage outreach and mission and embrace our church families.
Our vision is to be churches which inspire the people within our linked parishes through worship and witness.
If you feel a call to show an interest in our vacancy we invite you to read the following document showing the profiles for our parishes, which we hope will give you a feel for life and work in our linked congregations and the wider communities which they serve.
If, after reading the profiles, you would like more information or wish to have a discussion or an informal chat about the vacancy, please contact our Interim Moderator. Formal applications should be sent to the Clerk to the Nominating Committee.
We would like to thank you for your interest and encourage you to contact us for anything we can help you with.
Closeburn & Kirkmahoe Parish Profile PDF
Rev. Bill McKenzie, MBE, DA,
Interim Moderator
Tel: 01387 253688
David Dick,
Clerk to the Nominating Committee
Tel: 01848 330067 or
07795 064 874