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News and events

News & Events

Please join us for our

200th anniversary

Songs of Praise Service

at Kirkmahoe Parish Church on July 2nd 3pm

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Dalgarnock Conventicle      added August 23rd 2022​

On Sunday 11th September  2022 at 3.00 pm the congregation of Closeburn Parish Church are holding a Conventicle, in the parish, at Kirkbog Cemetery, Dalgarnock, near Kirkbog Farm. There is a monument to the Nithsdale Martyrs, some 57 covenanters, among them three women, victims of the 'Killing Times' of the 1680's.

From Dumfries on the A76 at Closeburn, take first road on left, then second on right, and  at one mile turn left at Kirkland Cottage. At ¼ mile, park in the field near the Burial ground.

​OS Reference NGR - NX876936 and signage should be in place


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Dalswinton Gardens Open Day 15.5.22
added May 7th 2022​

Sunday 15th of May from noon-5pm with teas served 2-5pm in the dining room of the house.

Closeburn Autumn 2021 Newsletter
added November 1st 2021​

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Dalgarnock Conventicle      added September 4th 2021​

On Sunday 12th September 2021 at 3.00 pm the congregation of Closeburn Parish Church held a Conventicle, in the parish, at Kirkbog Cemetery, Dalgarnock, beyond Kirkbog Farm. There is a monument to the Nithsdale Martyrs, some 57 covenanters, among them three women, victims of the 'Killing Times' of the 1680's.


The service can be viewed by clicking on the photo or the title


Closeburn Church Board announcement (posted April 2nd 2021)


The Board met remotely on 31st March 2021 and covered the business as required.  Part of which was approval of the Annual Accounts as presented by the Treasurer, David Dick.


Normally, we would then hold an Annual Stated Meeting (ASM) in the Church but due to Covid Regulations, we are not able to do so.  Therefore, to comply with the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator, (OSCR), we would like to inform all members that if anyone would like sight of the Prepared Accounts, they can do so by asking for a copy from Jack Tait, Session Clerk or Janis Dick, Clerk to the Board and these can then be supplied in hard copy or electronically.


Other matters that would normally be dealt with at the ASM, will be dealt with after the May 2021 General Assembly, at which it is anticipated rules will be put in place to allow that Kirk Session to address the difficulties caused by the current Covid Restrictions.


face to face Services are resuming from march 28th                  added March 20th 2021​

For the foreseeable future: 

Closeburn Church will meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10 am and

Kirkmahoe Church will meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 11.30am

Worshippers are kindly asked to wear face coverings and follow the guidance specified.


The online services will continue. See the home page for more details.

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World day of prayer 2021

Dumfries and galloway

 added Feb 16th 2021

‘Build on a Strong Foundation’  - Please join us for the Dumfries and Galloway online service hosted by our congregations and praying for Vanuatu Islands

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Christian Aid Scotland's online gathering

added Feb 3rd 2021

on Tuesday 16th February 10am to 12pm. Netsanet Feleke and Solomon Woldetsadik from Christian Aid Ethiopia will speak about the impact of climate change, locusts and conflict on vulnerable communities. 


Changemakers Conference - Christian Aid

UK wide online conference - can you help change the world in 2021? Find out how you can be a changemaker - lots of sessions between 22-26th February  

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 face to face services ceasing

 added Jan 4th 2021

In accordance with the recent Scottish Government announcement on Jan 4th 2021 our face to face services in both churches will cease until further notice. However the online services will continue and are available at the bottom of the home page.


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Christian aid christmas appeal

                                             added Nov 24th 2020​

Shoe box appeal by operation Christmas Child

added October 31st 2020​

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Kirkmahoe Remembrance Service

added Nov 7th 2020​

A short remembrance service of the many local brave soldiers in Kirkton area who fought in the two world wars. In doing so we remember others who have given their lives to keep us safe and those who continue to work to keep us safe. CLICK HERE


Services started meeting again in our church buildings added October 3rd 2020​

For the foreseeable future: 

Closeburn Church will meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10 am and

Kirkmahoe Church will meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 11.30am

Worshippers are kindly asked to wear face coverings and follow the guidance specified.


The online services will continue. See the home page for more details.

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 explore 'The God Question'

added September 1st 2020​

Rt Rev Dr Martin Fair (Moderator of the General Assembly) teamed up with an ecumenical charity to explore the “biggest question of all time”.

It took the form of a series of three online discussions on the relationship between science and faith on Tuesday 15th, 22nd and 29th September from 7.30—9pm. The videos can still be viewed on the Grasping the nettle facebook page

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week of Prayer for Church and Country from Monday 17 to Saturday 22 August

added August 13th 2020​

The Church of Scotland held its week of Prayer for Church and Country from Monday 17 to Saturday 22 August believing that as we entered into a critical period we should be ‘on our knees’ before the One who has promised to lead us. It consisted of daily short recorded reflections and an evening online videoconferencing event, which are now available on the Church of Scotland YouTube channel, CofS website (  under ‘news and events’) and CofS facebook page if you wish to watch them at a later date

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Keswick convention (online)

added July 25th 2020​

July 27th-31st was Keswick Convention (the annual Christian Conference Week on our doorstep) - five days of engaging biblical teaching and worship as they look at the theme of Hope. You can still watch it on the Keswick Convention YouTube channel. See for more information and other practical points 

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Closeburn  and Kirkmahoe parish churches

added July 20th 2020​

After careful consideration, the Church Session and Trustees took the difficult decision to keep the Church building closed for the next weeks. It was felt that because of the profile of those who regularly attend the Church, coupled with the still quite restrictive Covid-19 Rules in relation to Worship, it was safer for all concerned to continue as a Church without a building in the meantime. (This will be revisited as and when the rules change). We will continue to offer a weekly service online and this is available on the Church Website . Only the building is closed. All other functions of the Church are available and contact details are also on the website.

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The link above is to a video taken of the Closeburn Church Bell being rung at 3pm on Friday May 8th 2020 as a mark of respect on the 75th anniversary of VE day (1945). This 1606 bell is housed in the belfry of the East gable of Closeburn Church. It was designed by GH (thought to be George Hog) cast in the " Potterraw" Edinburgh.

Closeburn SPRING 2020 Newsletter


As part of Scotland’s garden scheme in 2020 Dalswinton House has a virtual tour of its gardens in support of their charity choice, Kirkmahoe Parish Church of Scotland. Dalswinton House is a late 18th-century house sitting on top of a hill surrounded by herbaceous beds and well-established shrubs, including rhododendrons and azaleas, overlooking the loch. There are attractive walks through woods and around the loch. It was here that the first steamboat in Britain made its maiden voyage in 1788 and there is a life-size model beside the water to commemorate this.

Closeburn Parish Church of Scotland, a Registered Charity

Scottish Charity Register Number: SC005624


Kirkmahoe Parish Church of Scotland, a Registered Charity

Scottish Charity Register Number: SC010508

Contact details:


Closeburn Church:


Kirkmahoe Church:


Rev. Bill McKenzie, MBE, DA,

Interim Moderator

Tel: 01387 253688




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